Medications Used for Anxiety That Help With Weight Loss

Medications Used for Anxiety That Help With Weight Loss - If you are a person stricken by anxiety along with need of medication to manage it, there are numerous options for someone to discuss with a medical expert. Anxiety patients interested in the possibility of excess weight on such medications do not need to worry, with the anxiety drugs available that will actually help in weight loss.

Medications Used for Anxiety That Help With Weight Loss


Fluoxetine, or Prozac, is another SSRI utilized by persons with depression, anxiety attacks, OCD and anxiety. Among Fluoxetine's known negative effects reported by many patients is significant weight-loss, though this is due to nausea. It is also feasible for some within this drug could possibly gain weight.


Paroxetine, or Paxil, is the one other SSRI currently in use to not only treat depression, but anxiety disorders, OCD and premenstrual dimorphic disorder. On top of balancing the brain's serotonin levels because it is meant to do, Paroxetine has been known to cause drowsiness, nausea, dizziness and fat loss in many patients utilizing the drug. Weight gain can be experienced by some.


Buproprion, or Wellbutrin, is definitely an NDRI, or norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, that can help with anxiety by balancing the degree of these chemicals inside the brain. One of bupropion's uncomfortable side effects happens to be curbing your appetite, which more often than not leads to weight-loss. Bupropion lessens oral fixations in patients utilizing the drug, which enables it to be prescribed to aid smokers stop smoking due to this effect.


Venlafaxine, or Effexor, is prescribed to patients plagued with anxiety conditions, major depression symptoms and panic attacks. Unlike the aforementioned medications, this drug is surely an SNRI, or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, that restores the total amount of the brain's serotonin and norepinephrine levels as a way to improve mood problems. Venlafaxine often causes decreased appetite in patients utilizing the drug, therefore resulting in weight reduction. In some persons, extra weight may be a side-effect as well.


Alprazolam, or Xanax, is within a group of drugs called benzodiazepines that reduce the movement of brain chemicals that are presently unbalanced. Alprazolam is prescribed for patients with anxiety and panic attacks, likewise as persons with anxiety attributable to depression. Some of alprazolam's milder unwanted effects are irritability, insomnia, nausea and weight-loss due to alterations in appetite.


Sertraline, or Zoloft, is surely an SSRI, or selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, used by the treatment of panic and depression disorders, in addition to social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Sertraline sticks to restoring the serotonin balance from the brain. Due to the uncomfortable side effects of appetite loss and nausea, anxiety patients on Zoloft have mislaid weight. Weight gain is often a side effect in many patients, too.


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